Brainstorm Road is a Creative Community for People Working on Dream Projects

Meet the people eager to support you as you bring your Dream Project to life.

Discover where you can be in 6 months

Get the support, encouragement, and accountability you need to bring your dream project to life

Discover what it feels like to have a tribe of people championing your creative ideas and encouraging your progress as you take tiny actions forward on the work that lights you up.

Meet Your New Support System

“Having a safe place to talk about the struggles that come with making something out of nothing. Folks here know the deal.”

- Dr. Robert Z, Therapist and Author

“When you surround yourself with like-minded folks - it is life-changing. Finding a peer group of folks who get it - and who are pushing themselves to new heights - helps you to level up and raise the bar.” - Sean O’Connor

“This place eradicates shame”

- Puja Teli, artist

“I just need someone to say, you're not crazy, we see you, we appreciate the effort.”

- Bolaji, Content Creator

“Even if I'm not doing the work, I'm able to give myself more grace.”

- Erin Nicole J., Novelist

“Ten minutes a day and light accountability is an effective structure for me. I don't look at email first thing in the morning.  I look at my scratchpad on BSR.”

- Xanthe, Design Researcher, Writer

“The struggles with process are universal. It’s not just me. I can get through it.

- Gabe, Musician

“One of the unexpected appeals of BSR was the level of friendship and deep connections I am making with fellow Roadies.”

- Jacquie, Novelist

“Diversity Diversity Diversity. I'm loving the age range and variety of dream projects.”

- Sue Fox, Quilter

Our community is global

People join from all over Australia, Europe, North America, and the United States

The average age is 43

We have parents, grandparents, and everyone in between.

The projects are diverse

We are illustrators, quilters, coaches, photographers, designers, songwriters memoirists, poets, cartoonists, musicians, Antarctic explorers, writers, and people writing letters to their kids.

Membership lasts 6 months

The commitment is one tiny action a week on your Dream Project. One tiny action, each week, for 6 months. If you do it, by the end, you won’t be the same.

Membership is $299 for the full 6 months.

“I’ve done more in six months with Brainstorm Road than I have in the past six years.”

- Josh A.

Brainstorm Road is a community organized around taking one weekly action toward your dream project, idea, or art.

Listen to Brainstorm Road Member, Carolina Perez Sanz, explain how spending 10 minutes a day on her project changed her life

Musician Gabe Berezin shares how he’s developed a more consistent music practice and the accountability he gets from being part of a group. "I have endless ideas, but I need to get them down to see which ones are worth's given me that daily practice. I’ve noticed, it doesn't need 5 hours.”

“The value has been in finding consistency through community.”

- Gabe B, Musician, Podcast Host

Everything takes place online.

Brainstorm Road is built on Discourse (a text-based digital platform) and uses Zoom for coaching and co-working.

What will you find inside?

  • Scratchpad: A digital daily record, reflection space, and project work log

  • People: Real people working on Dream Projects looking for accountability, encouragement, and community support

  • Events: Weekly Create Live coworking sessions, Monthly member huddles, and group coaching all designed to help you stay connected and take action on your project

Members connect using our digital platform (Discourse) where they have quick chats and thoughtful discussion. As well as weekly on Zoom (as desired - nothing is required).

There are many ways to engage with the community, we encourage members to do what works for them.

  • The next session begins Apil 8th, 2024

  • Pick one. The answer of whether it is the correct project will reveal itself through action.

    Our Community Lead, Rick Kitagawa, recommends this:

    When we're torn between creating multiple projects, it's often our reptile brain trying to hide us from "a waste of time" by finding the "right" project. But there is no "right" project. At best, we can find the project that is the best for us "right now," and even that can be an exercise in futility.

    While it's tempting to find the One Project that will rule them all, it's more helpful to pick something and get started. Why?

    Because when we get caught up in trying to parse which project will be the One, we're wasting time not moving ANY of our projects forward.

    Got five ideas? Do them all, but get to them one at a time. When you take the energy you spend trying to figure out which project to start and spend it doing ANY project, you get more projects done.

    Besides, doing 1/5 projects is better than 0/5, and if I'm looking into maximizing my chance of finding the One Project that changes my life and makes all my dreams come true, 20% is way better than 0%.

    In terms of picking a project for Brainstorm Road, I suggest the project you're most confident in finishing. Something with a predefined scope (a 10-episode podcast is better than a monthly, ongoing one).


    Because you can leverage the community support, encouragement, and feedback to carry you through the finish line and once you cross that finish line, you build trust with yourself.

    Once you see you're the type of person who can ship a project, your self-trust and confidence grow. You start to see yourself as a person who can get a project done, even amidst day jobs, kids, and all the stuff that distracts us from our dream projects. And as that identity grows, it will be easier for you to complete projects.

    By focusing on a single project and building that self-trust, you're more likely to finish all of the projects you've been considering.

    [Why is Rick the best? Thank you, Rick!]

  • We recommend starting with our paid Substack subscription where you get daily prompts to get your creative juices flowing, as well as monthly huddles with BSR members.

    You can work out your thoughts and pick an idea there and then join Brainstorm Road when you have a clearer picture of where you want to go.

  • Membership for the entire 6-months is $299 USD.

  • Parts of it are live, but not required.

    Huddles, Coworking, and Coaching are live on Zoom.

    Everything else takes place on our discourse platform (text-based, asynchronous, so you can log in any time).

    We try to accommodate every time zone and every week day so everyone is accounted for and able to participate.

  • 10 minutes a day.

    Do what you can on your project. Post what you did that week on Friday. High-five someone else 🙌🏼.

    That’s it.

    All live calls, coaching, and coworking are optional.

    Think of us like a gym for your Dream Project. You can use the weight room, attend a Zumba class, or just hang out in the sauna. We recommend doing weights several times a week, but it’s up to you what you follow through on.

Building Consistency Through Community

Each week we post one small thing we did that week. We celebrate each other and give high fives. The momentum moves us forward.

All live calls, coaching, and coworking are optional.

Posting is asynchronous, meaning you do not have to be online in real time to do it. Log in when you can, post when you can, and participate when you can.

The goal is tiny actions forward, consistently, over time.

If you do that, by the end of six months, your project will be different. It may even be real :)

“Practicing in community is easier and more fruitful. It is also an ego-booster. Suddenly you’re producing work, rather than thinking about producing work.

Creativity becomes a part of daily life.”

-Michelle W, artist, painter

If you set a timer for 10 minutes a day, something will be different at the end of six months.

Your project will be in a different place. And you will be in a different place. You will believe different things about what's possible and what’s required to do creative work.

“I went from being a person who dreamed about it to a person who did it.”

- Courtney D., Filmmaker + Author